We finally got our two large Mangalitsa hogs to market this week. They were a combined weight of 1,040 pounds on the hoof and we ended up with 765 pounds of meat. Key Packing Company in Robbiins, NC did a very good job. The Hot sausage and pork chops are delicious but we’ve not tried any of the other cuts yet. We also have to wait a few weeks to pick up our 80 pounds of bacon.
Mangalitsa/Kune-Kune cross piglets
Seven adorable piglets were born on Saturday, July 13th. One was lost the first day but the other six are doing great. They started following their mother around on the 2nd day. (2 boars, 4 gilts)
Mangalista cross piglets!
We added four (2 x barrows, 1 gilt, 1 boar) Mangalista x kune-kune cross piglets that we purchased from Santee Field Farm. (Thank you Hannah) One to butcher for our church, one to butcher for a friend and two for us. The gilt and boar are breeding stock for ourselves. They are only eight weeks old and will stay in a small pen (16 x 16) until they are large enough to train to our electric fence. Then they will have a large forest area.
Our two large hogs that you see in the background are scheduled to go to the butcher in a few weeks so our freezers will soon be full.