Today we harvest honey supers! NINE supers and TWO deeps!!!

Today we harvest honey supers! NINE supers and TWO deeps!!!
We harvested (3 supers) 84 pounds of spring honey! A good amount that will allow us to offer some for sale this year. We have two sizes of glass jars so far but will be adding a few more types soon. We sell it for around .75 cents/ounce.
We purchased a Vivo BEE-V004E – four frame electric stainless steel extractor! No more borrowing one from our bee club! We can schedule the extractions at our leisure now!
There were a lot of extractors to choose from and it was a bit overwhelming trying to decide. We’ve actually been looking to buy one for a few years and finally decided on this one. Its reviews were pretty good and it was in our price range. We usually only keep between 6-10 hives so this extractor will work well for us.
The basket can fit 8 shallow or medium frames (radially), or 4 deep size frames at once (tangentially). Radial extraction empties both sides of the frames at the same time; Tangential only extracts one side at a time so the frame must be turned and spun a second time.
We have been researching varroa mite treatments over the years and decided to purchase an OAV (oxalic acid vaporizer) to add to our arsenal.
This device is made by John Oliver and you can gather more information at BeeSource Forum:
JohnO’s video:
We should have completed this a month ago but better late than never~
Filling the honey bees emergency pantry with sugar cake and Essential Oils.
These fit under the lid and provide a top entrance and all the sugar they might need through spring.