Wax Moth Larvae infestation… Gross!!!!

by mrsdoni 0 Comments
Wax Moth Larvae infestation… Gross!!!!


We had 4 boxes of drawn comb stored in our house with 1/2 cup of moth crystals on the inside top of the highest box. It was covered and there were no ‘leaks’.  Several weeks later, we needed a few frames and were so disappointed to find that 50% were infested with hundreds of wax moth larvae (large and small) along with live moths and cocoons everywhere!! It was disgusting!



Dead Outs =(

by mrsdoni 0 Comments
Dead Outs =(

We have been so successful with out bees so finding several of our hives dead really upset us. We surmise that their mite population was too great even though we treated in late September with MAQs – Mite Away Quick Strips. We are thinking that we treated too late in the year?

  • Very small population of bees
  • Tons of capped honey
  • Plus we had a sugar cake on top
  • No signs of disease

We ended up loosing 80% of our hives =(