We lost this very, very special doe on 2/3/19; one day after our vet pulled a head-back doeling. The doeling lived and we have named her “Tzuriel”.
11*M SG MLRT Victoria
- 01-6 VVEE FS 89
- DOB: 2-12-17, ADGA Pedigree Link
- Alpha s1 Casein: A/A

Yearling – Reserve Grand Champion

8th freshener 10*M Tempo Kim and her yearling daughter, MLRT Victoria.
- Sire: SGCH Lucky*Star’s QK Pinnacle
- SS: SGCH Quixote Kate’s Kareem
- SD: Quixote Anakate
- Dam: 10*M Tempo Kim
- DS: SG *+B Tempo Liggety,
- DD: SGCH 9*M Tempo Evianna
Victoria is a beautiful doe with excellent conformation. 260 DIM is averaging 7.3 pounds milk each day. She easily earned her Milk Star for all three components (Milk, Fat and Protein) and is an 11*M She has elastic dairy skin and her udder texture is the softest I have ever felt. We have retained a 2018 bucklings (Hiro) and her 2019 doeling (Tzuriel).
She has earned her SG (Superior Genetics) title as a milking yearling.
- -June 2017 – as a jr Lamancha – Grand Champion at PDGA Evin Evans show
- -October 2018 – as a yearling Lamancha milker – Reserve Grand Champion at Dixie Classic Fair