May 2021 Pride of the Piedmont show

by mrsdoni

We’re at the Pride of the Piedmont Spring Show this weekend! Not much sleep but still fun! This year I bought a tent and air mattress to stay close to my goats (and save money in hotel costs!) like many people do. The key to sleeping is “EAR PLUGS”! Thank you to Brooke and Toni for bringing me some!

I am thrilled with my goat’s placings and, as always, learned a lot from the judge’s comments.

There were so many gorgeous goats! I am looking forward to next year already!

Ring 1 bucks – Judged by Christine Adels: 3 yr old CH MLRT Hiro won BOB as a Champion Challenger:

Ring 1 & 2 does – Judged by Daniel Laney & Christine Adels – 3 yr old MLRT Vanilla Latte won Reserve Champion, and 2 yr old MLRT Caramel Macchiato won Reserve Champion; Dry yearling MLRT Kahlua won Reserve Champion and Grand Champion

Carmel and Vanilla