I am so thrilled! We have a very small herd and only had two does and one buck for Linear Appraisal today but they did great! Thank you Terri and Don for hosting it again this year!!!
Artificial insemination (AI) Transferring semen to the reproductive tract of the doe.
AI is an excellent way to bring in superior genetics and proven bucks that can improve a herd quickly. It does require an initial investment of equipment but the genetic improvement is well worth the cost. We have utilized AI for several years with good results (66% success rate). This year (2020) we’ve been forced to use it for most of our does since we only have one buck and most of our does are closely related to him. This is the first year using NO hormones but instead allowing the goats to cycle naturally. Practice makes perfect and we are learning more and more but no where near perfect yet. Timing is everything! Knowing how long each doe’s estrus cycle is very important for success.