It’s supposed to be a low of 41 degrees tonight and I have recently show clipped the goats. The goat coats we ordered from Custom Pet and Tack DBA will keep them warm!

It’s supposed to be a low of 41 degrees tonight and I have recently show clipped the goats. The goat coats we ordered from Custom Pet and Tack DBA will keep them warm!
Catching one of our two swarms this morning!!!
Dallas knocked the bees from the limb into the bucket, then poured the bees into a box (several times) with drawn/foundation frames. They settled in nicely.
With MUCH assistance from our wonderful friends Carla & Josie, Caramel has triplets!!
A huge shout out to God this morning God, you rock! Thank you for your guidance and mercy on Caramel, her triplets, Kimmy Dallas Posey, Carla Kirby, Josie Kirby, Kevin Kirby, and myself this morning!!!Caramel had three healthy kids (2 bucks, 1 doe) very, very early this morning with MUCH assistance from those previously mentioned. Caramel is doing very well I managed to get the 1st buck (8 1/2 pounds) who was backwards and upside down, but the other two were both a mess; one was ribs only and the other was ONE foot (no head). For those of you that have never tried to untangle unborn kids, good for you, but for those who have, you can relate to this massively difficult task. I could not get either of the two remaining kids out so I texted my amazing friends, Carla Kirby and Josie Kirby for help. (Although I already had my vet on stand-by, I knew Carla was the one for this job) She didn’t hesitate and her and Josie arrived so quickly (Thank you Kevin!!!)……. like two angels for Caramel and I !
The two tangled kids gave Carla a tough time but she kept at it and didn’t give up… both ended up coming out backwards and upside down I think. It’s all such a blur now and I am soooo glad it’s all over.I am so incredibly thankful and my heart is so full of joy!! I can’t begin to tell you what this means to me!!
N5 is chocolate buckling, 8 1/2 pounds; N6 is chocolate buckling, 8+ pounds; N7 is white/tan doeling, 7+ pounds
He who is the most dirty, gets the first clip/shampoo!! CH MLRT Hiro after a quick shave (love my Lister clippers) and TWO shampoos!
Here is Kassandra collecting hay for her nest. She will kindle within the next few days!!