When you’re a single, your step-brother may look a tad different. a single beautiful chocolate/tan doeling (6lbs, 11oz) with a huge appetite!! N3 is an AI doeling (Tempo Robin x MLRT Deja-Vu)

When you’re a single, your step-brother may look a tad different. a single beautiful chocolate/tan doeling (6lbs, 11oz) with a huge appetite!! N3 is an AI doeling (Tempo Robin x MLRT Deja-Vu)
Saw the first tick of the season so am starting to treat the goats with Cylence.
I grew up with horses and had them all my life until about 15 years ago. THANK YOU to my daughter for offering this opportunity! I didn’t ride long (bad lower back) but had a great time! Brooke’s amazingly gentle stallion was such a good boy.
Watching the pregnant does closely.
Just one of the many, many barn checks late at night during kidding season, half asleep, while laying in bed We’ve had these cameras in the barn for years and LOVE them!!
We purchased a new MVE XC 20 dewar to replace our older model, Taylor Wharton 34 HC. Our old tank just isn’t holding as long as it used to so it’s time to get a new one.