We took our herd of goats (milkers, doelings & bucks) to two spring shows this year. We attended the Legendary Goat Breeder’s Assoc show the weekend of May 3-5th in Winston-Salem, NC, and also the Piedmont Dairy Goat Breeder’s Assoc show in Rocky Mt., NC the weekend of May 24-26th. MLRT Caesar won his final Championship leg as a 2 year old and has now earned his CH title as a permanent Champion! Our first home-bred to win that title! We are thrilled!
Our girls placed good considering the amazing competition but did not win any championships. It is a LOT of work (and money spent) and we are rethinking showing. The weather was unseasonably hot (mid 90’s) and very humid plus we had trailer tire issues and pen issues. It just wasn’t as fun this year for us. Also, they picked up some sort of viral diarrhea that has made several intermittently sick with a fever and very loose stools. We definitely will not attend any fall fair shows this year and maybe by next spring we may feel like attending the spring shows… we’ll see….